Beautiful certificate from the Mascotte Gold Mining Company issued in 1901. This historic document has an ornate border around it with a vignette of mining camp with a train passing and mountains in the background. This item has the signatures of the Company's President, W. F. Kendrick and Secretary, and is over 109 years old.
Certificate Vignette The Mascotte Gold Mining Company owned thirteen (13) gold mining properties, covering all of the Orphan Boy Hill-Mascotte-Phillips veins between the Orphan Boy Hill and Phillips properties, which had produced more than $1,000,000 in gold. Printed from The Colorado Magazine - 1893 THE MASCOTTE GOLD MINING COMPANY. W. F. KENDRICK, 505 Mining Ex. Building. DENVER, COLO. F. H. PETTINGELL, Agent, N. H. HEMIUP, Agent, Colorado Springs, Colo. 604 S. E. 5th St., Minneapolis, Minn. MENTION THIS MAGAZINE. THE MASCOTTE. IN submitting to you some new matter relative to the Mascotte Gold Mining Company of Alma. Park County. Colorado, we simply desire to say that at this time of agitation on the silver question and the extensive arguments that have been submitted to the country as to the proper ratio between gold and silver--whether it shall be 15*£ ounces of silver to one ounce of gold. 16 to 1, 20 to 1, or even 100 to 1--they never have changed the last figure in the last combination, or to state it more concisely, gold always has. does now and always will, maintain its uniform properties as a monetary standard. It is out of the question to submit silver stocks to the investing and speculative public at the present time. In mining for gold, we encounter two classes of gold ores--one known as strictly free milling; the other and of much greater value, occurring in the form of a smelting ore with varying proportions of gold and silver. At the present time, if we can produce an ore- say gold ore. if you will either free milling or smelting that carries its largest percentage of value in gold, we have a product which the people demand, regardless of any opinions they may have upon the gold and silver question. The ores of the Mascotte Gold Mining Company carry a large percentage of gold and nearly all of the ores of Park County have been noted for their gold values since the discovery of Buckskin Joe, Mosquito and Montgomery gold camps in the early GO's. In fact, the reputation of this district for producing gold ores can be illustrated by a paraphrase of the old saying in the early day, when asked the way to the gold mines of Buckskin Joe, that " All roads lead to Buckskin Joe." and here is where the properties of the Mascotte Gold Mining Company are located. The Phillips and Orphan Boy Hill Consolidated properties, which adjoin the Mascotte property on either side and which made the reputation of Buckskin Joe and this section of the country, have produced probably over two million dollars in gold and continue to produce, the Orphan Boy Hill Consolidated now yielding larger than at any time in its history. The Mascotte property, covering over one hundred acres, lies between these great properties and may properly be considered a " mineral farm." We do not care to bore you at this time with exhaustive statistics as to the gold and silver productions, but simply desire to call your attention to the salient features of this great property and to assure you that at this time, when values are falling, and when securities are shrinking, the wise investor puts his money in enterprises that are not susceptible to change from any outside source. In buying the stock of any mining property of assured value, and whose ores carry their larger percentage in gold, there can at this time be no mistake. Whatever may be the outcome of the legislation of the next Congress, gold may be depended upon as one of -and the leading--monetary metals of the world. It never can be less than its present quoted value, and should silver be relegated to the rear, it will command a premium the world over. In contracting, for stock at the present time, the investor will get the benefit of enhanced values as the work progresses, and it is safe to assume that he can, at any time time in the future, realize from his stock at a great advance. W. F. KENDRICK, President of The Mascotte Gold Mining Company. No. 505 Mining Exchange Building. Denver. Colo. History from (old stock certificate research service).

Certificate Vignette