Beautiful certificate from the Murdock Communications Corporation issued in 2001. This historic document was printed by United States Banknote Company and has an ornate border around it with a vignette of the company logo. This item has the printed signatures of the Company's President and Secretary.
Certificate Vignette Murdock Communications Corporation was based in Cedar Rapids, IA, was a provider of telecommunications systems and services for the lodging industry. Murdock Communication's lodging offerings included the "Lodging Partnership", based on its strategic relationship with AT&T Corporation (NYSE: T), as well as proprietary telephone management systems which assist hotels in increasing profits and enhancing guest satisfaction. Murdock Communications grew its business base to approximately 122,000 rooms as of June 30, 1997, versus approximately 96,000 rooms in December, 1996. Murdock Communications provided comprehensive telecommunications systems and services to over 1,200 properties. These systems and services included: long distance services, answer detection, voice mail, PABX, and call accounting; development of telephone department economic business plans; economic analysis of system operations; and real time performance evaluations.

Certificate Vignette