Beautiful certificate from the Aero Systems Engineering, Inc issued in 1998. This historic document was printed by American Financial Printing Incorporated and has an ornate border around it with a vignette of the company logo. This item has the signatures of the Company's President and Secretary and is over 12 years old.
Certificate Vignette Aero Systems Engineering, Inc. supplies aero test equipment and services engine test cells, wind tunnels, and aerodynamic testing. It offers engine test cells and test equipment for various engine types, including turbofan, turbojet/ afterburning, turboshaft, turbopropeller, auxiliary power unit, industrial, and marine engines, as well as provides engine thrust stands and adapters, and the ASE2000 Control and instrumentation system. The company also provides automotive climatic wind tunnels, engine/rocket altitude test facilities, high temperature storage heaters, and wind tunnel components and subsystems, as well as offers test services for aerospace vehicles and propulsion systems. Aero Systems Engineering was founded in 1967 and is headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota. Aero Systems Engineering, Inc. formerly operated as a subsidiary of Celsius AB.

Certificate Vignette