Beautifully engraved certificate from the Atlantic, Quebec and Western Railway Company issued no later than 1909. This historic document has an ornate border around it with a vignette of a train. This item is hand signed by the Company's President and Secretary and is over 89 years old.
Certificate Vignette The folowing is a list of companies affiliated with the Canadian National Railways: Acadia Coal Company, Limited Acadia Coal Company, Limited, The Addison Railroad Alberta and Great Waterways Railway Company, The Alberta Midland Railway Company, The Albert Railway Company Alexander Gibson Railway and Manufacturing Company American Union Telegraph Company Amherst and Belchertown Railroad Company Amherst, Belchertown and Palmer Railroad Company Anglo-American Telegraph Company The Annapolis and Atlantic Railway Company Atlantic and Lake Superior Railway Company The Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad Company Atlantic, Quebec and Western Railway Company, The Baie des Chaleurs Railway Company, The Barre Granite Railway Company Bay City Terminal Railway Company Bay of Chaleurs Railway Company, The Bay of Quinte Railway and Navigation Company The Bay of Quinte Railway Company, The Beauharnois Junction Railway Company, The Belleville and North Hastings Railway Company, The Belt Railway Company of Chicago Bessborough Hotel Bessemer and Barry's Bay Railway Company Bethel Granite Railway Company Brantford and Buffalo Joint Stock Railroad Company, The Brantford, Norfolk and Port Burwell Railway Company, The Brattleboro and Fitchburg Railroad Company Brattleboro and Whitehall Railroad Company British and American Express Company British and North American Express Company Brockville Westport and North-Western Railway Company, The Brockville and Westport Railway Company, The Brockville, Westport and Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company, The Brooksay Realty Company Buctouche and Moncton Branch Railway Company, The Buctouche and Moncton Railway Company, The Buctouche and Northumberland Strait Railway Company Buctouche Railway and Transportation Company, The Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Company Buffalo, Brantford and Goderich Railway Company, The Bulkley and Telkwa Valley Coal Company, Limited, The Burk's Falls and French River Railway Company, The Burlington and Lamoille Railroad Company Burlington and Lamoille Valley Railroad Company Burrard Inlet Tunnel and Bridge Company, The Canada Air Line Railway Company, The Canada Atlantic Railway Company Canada Atlantic Transit Company Canada Atlantic Transit Company of U.S. Canada Eastern Railway Company, The Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Railway Company Canadian Airways, (Limited) Canadian Express Company, The Canadian Government Merchant Marine Limited Canadian Government Railways Canadian Government Railways Employees' Relief and Insurance Association Canadian - Minnesota Bridge Company Canadian National Electric Railways Canadian National Express Company Canadian National Hotels, Limited Canadian National Land Settlement Association Canadian National Lines - Niagara Frontier - New York Canadian National Railway Company Canadian National Railways - Eastern Lines Canadian National Railways (France) Canadian National Railways Pension Fund - 1929 Canadian National Railways Pension Fund - 1935 Canadian National Railways Securities Trust, The Canadian National Railways Trust Company Canadian National Realties, Limited Canadian National Rolling Stock Limited Canadian National Steamship Company, Limited Canadian National Telegraph Company Canadian National Transfer Company Canadian National Transportation, Limited Canadian National (West Indies) Steamships, Limited Canadian Northern Alberta Railway Company, The Canadian Northern Branch Lines Company, The Canadian Northern Coal and Ore Dock Company, Limited, The Canadian Northern Consolidated Railways Canadian Northern Express Company, The Canadian Northern Manitoba Railway Company Canadian Northern Montreal Tunnel and Terminal Company, Limited Canadian Northern Ontario Railway Company, The Canadian Northern Pacific Railway Company Canadian Northern Quebec Railway Company, The Canadian Northern Railway Arbitration Award Canadian Northern Railway Company, The Canadian Northern Railway Express Company, Limited, The Canadian Northern Realties, Limited Canadian Northern Rolling Stock, Limited Canadian Northern Saskatchewan Railway Company, The Canadian Northern Steamships, Limited Canadian Northern System Terminals (Limited) Canadian Northern Telegraph Company, The Canadian Northern Transfer Company, Limited, The Canadian Northern Western Railway Company Canadian Yukon Railway Company Cannar Oils Limited Canso and Louisburg Railway Company, The Cape Breton Railway, Coal and Iron Company, The Cape Breton Railway Company, Limited, The Cape Breton Railway Extension Company, Limited, The Caraquet and Gulf Shore Railway Company, The Caraquet Railway Company, The Carrillon and Grenville Railway Company Centmont Corporation, The Central Canada Express Company, Limited Central Canada Railway Company Central Counties Railway Company, The Central Ontario Railway, The Central Railway Company, Limited, (N.S.), The, Central Vermont Airways, Incorporated Central Vermont Railroad Company Central Vermont Railway Company Central Vermont Railway Incorporated Central Vermont Terminal Incorporated Central Vermont Transit Corporation Central Vermont Transportation Company Central Vermont Warehouse Incorporated Champlain and Connecticut River Railroad Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad Company, The, Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad Company (New York), The Charlottetown Hotel Chateauguay and Northern Railway Company, The Chateau Laurier Hotel, The Chatham Branch Railway Company, The Chatham Railway Company, The Cheney, Rice and Company Chicago, Detroit and Canada Grand Trunk Junction Railroad Company, The, Chicago and Grand Trunk Railway Company, The, Chicago, Kalamazoo and Saguenay Railway Company Chicago and Kalamazoo Terminal Railroad Company, The Chicago Lake County Railway Company, The Chicago and Lake Huron Railroad Company Chicago, New York and Boston Refrigerator Company Chicago and North Eastern Railroad Company Chicago and Southern Railroad Chicago and State Extension Railway Company Chicago and State Line Railway Company Chicago and Western Indiana Belt Railway Company Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad Company Cincinnati, Saginaw and Mackinaw Railroad Company City and Suburban Electric Railway Company Limited, The Clarke Steamship Company, The Coast Railway Company of Nova Scotia, Limited, The Cobourg, Blairton and Marmora Railway and Mining Company, The Cobourg, Peterborough and Marmora Railway and Mining Company, The Cobourg, and Peterborough Railway Company, The Cobourg Railroad Company, The Company of Proprietors of the Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad, The Consolidated Land Corporation Consolidated Railroad Company of Vermont Continental Realty and Holding Company Coteau and Province Line Railway and Bridge Company Crosby Transportation Company Dalhousie Navigation Company, Limited, The Davenport Street Railway Company Limited Detroit Belt Railroad Company Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railway Company Detroit and Huron Railway Company, The Detroit and Huron Railway Company, The Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad Company Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company Detroit and Pontiac Railroad Company Detroit Terminal Railroad Company Detroit and Toledo Shore Line Railroad Company, The Digby and Annapolis Railway Dominion Telegraph Company Dominion Telegraph Securities, Limited Drummond County Railway Company, The Duluth, Rainy Lake and Winnipeg Railway Company Duluth, Virginia and Rainy Lake Railway Company Duluth and Virginia Realty Company Duluth, Winnipeg and Pacific Railroad Company Duluth, Winnipeg and Pacific Railway Company East Richelieu Valley Railway Company, The East-West Transport Limited Eastern Extension Railway Eastern Lands Department Eastern Transport, Limited Edmonton District Railway Company, The Edmonton, Dunvegan and British Columbia Railway Company, The Edmonton and Slave Lake Railway Company, The Edmonton, Yukon and Pacific Railway Company, The Elgin and Havelock Railway Company, The Elgin, Petitcodiac and Havelock Railway Company, The Empire Coal and Mining Company Empire Freightways, Limited Erie, London and Tillsonburg Railway Company, The European and North American Railway Company Federal Properties, Limited Fenelon Falls Railway Company, The Flos Tramway Company Fort Garry Hotel, The Fredericton and Saint Mary's Bridge Company Fredericton and Saint Mary's Railway Bridge Company Galt and Guelph Railway Company, The Gananoque, Perth and James Bay Railway Company, The Gananoque and Rideau Railway Company Gaspe Lines Georgian Bay and Wellington Railway Company Grand Haven and Milwaukee Transportation Company, The Grand Junction Railroad Company, The Grand Junction Railway Company Grand Rapids Terminal Railroad Company Grand Trunk Car Ferry Line Grand Trunk Fire Brigade Grand Trunk, Georgian Bay and Lake Erie Railway Company Grand Trunk Junction Railway Company, The Grand Trunk - Milwaukee Car Ferry Company Grand Trunk Pacific Alaska Steamship Company Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company, The Grand Trunk Pacific Coast Steamship Company, Limited, The Grand Trunk Pacific Development Company, Limited, The Grand Trunk Pacific Dock Company of Seattle Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company, The Grand Trunk Pacific Saskatchewan Railway Company, The Grand Trunk Pacific Telegraph Company, The Grand Trunk Pacific Terminal Elevator Company, (Limited), The Grand Trunk Pacific Town and Development Company, Limited, The Grand Trunk - Pennsylvania Transportation Company Grand Trunk Pension Fund Grand Trunk Radio Communications Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, The Grand Trunk Railway Company, Acquisition Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada East, The Grand Trunk Railway Fire Brigade Grand Trunk Railway Insurance and Provident Society, The Grand Trunk Railway Literary and Scientific Institute Grand Trunk Railway of Northern Indiana, The Grand Trunk Railway of Michigan, The Grand Trunk Railway of Canada Superannuation and Provident Fund, The Grand Trunk Railway Regiment Grand Trunk Terminal Warehousing Company, Limited Grand Trunk Western Railroad Company Grand Trunk Western Railway Company Granville and Victoria Beach Railway and Development Company, Limited, The Great American and European Short Line Railway Company, The Great Eastern Railway Company, The Great Northern Elevator Company Great Northern Construction Company Great Northern Railway Company Great Northern Railway of Canada Great Northern Western Telegraph Company of Canada, The Great Western Railroad Company, The Great Western Railway Company, The Gulf Shore Railway Company, The Halifax and Cape Breton Railway and Coal Company, The Halifax and Eastern Railway Company Halifax and Guysborough Railway Company, Limited Halifax and South Western Railway Company, The Halifax and Yarmouth Railway Company, Limited, The Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company, The Hamilton and North-Western Railway Company, The Hamilton and Port Dover Railway Company, The Hamilton and South Western Railway Company Hamilton and Toronto Railway Company, The Hampton and Saint Martin's Railway Company, The Hoar Transport Company, Limited Harlem Extension Railway Company Harvey Elevator Company Hudson Bay Railway Huron and Quebec Railway Company, Limited Imperial Rolling Stock Company, Limited, The Indiana Railway Company Industrial Land Company Intercolonial and Prince Edward Island Railways Employees, Provident Fund, The Intercolonial Express Company of Canada, (Limited), The Intercolonial Railway, The Intercolonial Railway Windsor Branch, The International Bridge Company International Railway Company of New Brunswick Inverness Coal, Iron and Railway Company Inverness Coal, Field and Railway Company Inverness Railway and Coal Company Inverness Railway Company Inverness - Richmond Collieries and Railway Company of Canada, Limited Inverness and Richmond Railway Company, Limited Irondale, Bancroft and Ottawa Railway Company, The Jacques Cartier Union Railway Company, The James Bay and Eastern Railway Company, The James Bay Railway Company, The Jasper Park Lodge Kent, Northern Extension Railway Company Kent Northern Railway Company, The Kingston, Napanee and Western Railway Company, The Kingston and Toronto Railway Company, The Kingston, Smiths Falls and Ottawa Railway Company, The Lachine and Hochelaga Railway Company Lachine, Jacques Cartier and Maisonneuve Railway Company, The Lake Manitoba Railway and Canal Company, The Lake St. Joseph Hotel Company Lake St. Louis and Province Line Railway Company, The Lake Simcoe Junction Railway Company, The Lake Superior Branch - Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Lake Superior Terminals Company Limited, The Lakeside Navigation Company, (Limited), The Lamoille Valley Extension Railroad Company Lawlor Building - Toronto Lebanon Springs Railroad Company Lewiston and Auburn Railroad Company Lindsay, Fenelon Falls and Ottawa River Railway Company Liverpool and Milton Railway Company, Limited Liverpool and Milton Tramway Company, Limited London and Gore Railroad Company, The London and Grand Trunk Junction Railway Company London, Huron and Bruce Railway Company, The London and Port Sarnia Railway Company, The Lobtiniere and Megantic Railway Company, The Louisburg Extension Railway Company Lower Laurentian Railway Company, The Luscar Coals Limited Luscar Collieries, Limited Macdonald Hotel, Edmonton, The Maganetawan River Railway Company, The Mackenzie Mann and Company, Limited Malone and St. Lawrence Railway Company Manitoba Northern Railway Company Manitoba Railway Company, The Manitoba and South Eastern Railway Company, The Market Gardens Limited Marmora Iron Company Marmora Railway and Mining Company, The Massena Springs and Fort Covington Railroad Company, The Maskinonge and Nippissing Railway Company Medonte Tramway Company, The Michigan Air Line Railroad Company Michigan Air Line Railway, The Michigan Railway Company Middleton and Victoria Beach Railway Company, Limited, The Midland Extension Railway Company, The Midland Railway of Canada, The Midland Superior Express Limited Minnesota and Manitoba Railroad Company, The Minnesota and Ontario Bridge Company, The Missisquoi Junction Railway Company, The Missisquoi Railroad Company Missisquoi Valley Railroad Company Moncton and Buctouche Railway Company Moncton and Northumberland Strait Railway Company, The Montalta Holdings, Limited Montfort Colonization Railway Company, The Montfort and Gatineau Colonization Railway Company Montpelier and White River Railroad Company Montreal and Bytown Railway Company Montreal and Champlain Junction Railway Company Montreal and Champlain Railroad Company Montreal and City of Ottawa Junction Railway Company Montreal and European Short Line Railway Company Montreal and Bytown Railway Company, The Montreal, Chambly and Sorel Railway Company, The Montreal and Champlain Junction Railway Company Montreal and Champlain Railroad Company Montreal and City of Ottawa Junction Railway Company Montreal and European Short Line Railway Company, The Montreal Fruit and Produce Terminal Company, Limited Montreal Island Belt Line Railway Company, The Montreal and Kingston Railroad Company, The Montreal and Kingston Railway Company, The Montreal and Lachine Railroad Company, The Montreal and New York Railroad Company, The Montreal, Portland and Boston Railway Company, The Montreal and Province Line Junction Railway Company, The Montreal and Province Line Railway Company, The Montreal Railway Terminus Company Montreal and Sorel Railway Company, The Montreal and Southern Counties Railway Company Montreal Stock Yards Company, The Montreal Telegraph Company Montreal Terminal Railway Company, The Montreal and Vermont Junction Railway Company, The Montreal Warehousing Company, The Morden and North-Western Railway Company Mountain Park Coals Limited Mountain Park Coal Syndicate Limited Mount Royal Tunnel and Terminal Company, Limited Muskegon Railway and Navigation Company Musquodoboit Railway Company, Limited, The Napanee, Tamworth and Quebec Railway Company, The National Construction Company, (Limited), The National Terminals of Canada Limited National Transcontinental Railway National Transcontinental Railway Branch Lines Company Nelson Valley Railway and Transportation Company New Brunswick and Prince Edward Railway Company New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Railway Company, The New England Elevator Company Newfoundland Hotel Newfoundland Northern and Western Railway Newfoundland Railway Newfoundland Railway Steamship Services New Glasgow Iron, Coal and Railway Company, Limited New London Northern Railroad Company New London, Willimantic and Palmer Railroad Company New London, Willimantic and Springfield Railroad Company New Westminster Southern Railway Company, The Niagara and St. Catharines Street Railway Company Niagara Falls International Bridge Company Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Company, The Niagara Falls, Wesley Park and Clifton Tramway Company, Limited, The Niagara, Hamilton and Pacific Railway Company, The Niagara Lower Arch Bridge Company, Limited Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Navigation Company, (Limited), The Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway Company, The Nictaux and Atlantic Railway Company, The Norfolk Railway Company, The North Eastern Railway Company North Grey Railway Company, The North Railway Company North Shore Railway North Shore Railway and St. Maurice Navigation Company North Simcoe Railway Company, The Northern Alberta Railways Company Northern Consolidated Holding Company, Limited, The Northern Extension Railway Company, The Northern Extension Railways Company, The Northern and North-Western Railway Northern, North-Western and Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company, The Northern and Pacific Junction Railway Company, The Northern Pacific and Manitoba Railway Company Northern Railroad Company, (N.Y.) Northern Railway Company, (N.B.) Northern Railway Company of Canada, The Northern Townsites Limited Northumberland Straits Tunnel Railway Company North Western Grand Trunk Railway Company of Illinois and Indiana North Western Grand Trunk Railway Company of Michigan Norway Branch Railroad Company Nova Scotia Central Railway Company Nova Scotia Eastern Railway Company, Limited Nova Scotia Iron and Steel Company, Limited Nova Scotia, Nictaux and Atlantic Central Railway Company Nova Scotia Railway Company Nova Scotia Southern Railway Company, Limited Nova Scotia Southern Railway Company Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Company, Limited Nova Scotia Iron and Steel Company, Limited Nova Scotian Hotel, Halifax Oakland and Ottawa Railroad Company Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain Railroad Company Ogdensburg Railroad Company Omemee, Bobcaygeon and North Peterborough Junction Railway Company, The Ontario, Belmont and Northern Railway Company, The Ontario Car Ferry Company, (Limited), The Ontario and Ottawa Railway Company, The Ontario and Rainy River Railway Company, The Ontario Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company, The Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railroad Union Company Oshawa Railway and Navigation Company, The Ottawa, Arnprior and Parry Sound Railway Company, The Ottawa, Arnprior and Renfrew Railway Company, The Ottawa and Parry Sound Railway Company, The Ottawa, Rideau Valley and Brockville Railway Company, The Ottawa Terminals Railway Company, The Oxford and Port Austin Railroad Company Pacific, Northern and Omineca Railway Company, The Parry Sound Colonization Railway Company Pembina Valley Railway, The Pembroke Southern Railway Company, The Peninsular Railroad Company Peninsular Railway Company Peninsular Railway Company - Illinois Peninsular Railway Company - Indiana Peninsular Railway Company - Michigan Peninsular Railway Extension Company Peterborough and Chemong Lake Railway Company, The (1) Peterborough and Chemong Lake Railway Company, The (2) Peterborough and Port Hope Railway Company, The Petitcodiac and Elgin Branch Railway Company, The Pleasant Bay Railway Company, The Polk and 49th Street Junction Railway Company Pontiac, Oxford and Northern Railroad Company, The Pontiac, Oxford and Port Austin Railroad Company Port Arthur, Duluth and Western Railway Company, The Port Dalhousie, St. Catharines and Thorold Electric Street Railway Company, Limited, The Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Company, The Port Dover and Lake Huron Railway Company, The Port Hope, Lindsay and Beaverton Railway Company, The Port Huron and Indiana Railway Company Port Huron and Lake Michigan Railroad Company Port Huron and Milwaukee Railway Company Port Huron Railroad Tunnel Company Port Whitby and Port Parry Railway Company Portage and North-Western Railway Company Portland Elevator Company Prescott County Railway Company, The Preston and Berlin Junction Railway Company Preston and Berlin Railway Company Prince Edward County Railway Company, The Prince Edward Island Car Ferry Terminals Prince Edward Island Ferry Service Prince Edward Island Railway Prince Charles, Limited Prince David, Limited Prince George, Limited Prince Henry, Limited Prince John, Limited Prince Robert, Limited Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Shipyard Prince Rupert Hotel Site Prince Rupert, Limited Prince William, Limited Public Markets, Limited, The Pullin and Copp Pullin, Virgil and Company's Express Qu'Appelle, Long Lake and Saskatchewan Railroad and Steamboat Company, The Quebec Bridge Company, The Quebec Bridge and Railway Company, The Quebec and Gosford Railway Company, The Quebec and James Bay Railway Company, The Quebec and Lake St. John Railway Company, The Quebec, Montmorency and Charlevoix Railway Company, The Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental Railway Company Quebec, Montreal and Southern Railway Company, The Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Railway Company, The Quebec Oriental Railway Quebec Railway Bridge Company, The Quebec Railway, Light and Power Company, The Quebec and Richmond Railroad Company, The Quebec and Saguenay Railway Company, The Quebec Southern Railway Company, The Queen Elizabeth Hotel Rail and River Coal Company Rainy River Bridge Company Railroad Credit Corporation, The Railway Express Agency, Incorporated Realty Assets Company, Limited, The Red River Valley Railway Reid Newfoundland Company, Limited Restigouche and Victoria Colonization Railway Company Restigouche and Victoria Railway Company, The Restigouche and Western Railway Company, The Rouyn Mines Railway Company Rutland and Burlington Railroad Rutland Railroad Company Saguenay and Lake St. John Railway Company, The St. Boniface Western Land Company St. Catharines, Merritton and Thorold Street Railway, Company, The St. Catharines and Niagara Centre Railway Company St. Catharines Street Railway Company, The St. Charles and Huron River Railway Company, The St. Clair Frontier Tunnel Company, The St. Clair Tunnel Company Saint John and Quebec Railway Bridge Company Saint John and Quebec Railway Company Saint John and Quebec Railway Trust Company, The Saint John Valley Railway Company, The Saint John's Dry Dock Saint Joseph Valley Railway Company, The St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Company, The St. Lawrence, Lower Laurentian and Saguenay Railway Company, The St. Lawrence and Ottawa Grand Junction Railroad Company, The St. Louis, Richibucto and Buctouche, Railway Company, The Saint Martin's Railway Company, The Saint Martin's and Upham Railway Company, The Saint Maurice Railway and Navigation Company Salisbury and Albert Railway Company, The Salisbury and Harvey Railway. Company, The Saratoga and St. Lawrence Railroad Saskatchewan and North Western Railway Company Saskatchewan Bridge Company, The Saskatchewan Midland Railway Company, The Saskatchewan North Western Railway Company, The Shawinigan Falls Terminal Railway Company, The Societe Immobiliere de la Rue Scribe South Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad Company South Norfolk Railway Company, The South Shore Railway Company Southern New England Railroad Corporation - Massachusetts Southern New England Railroad Corporation - New Hampshire Southern New England Railway Company - Rhode Island Southern Vermont Railway Company Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly Railroad Company, The Stratford and Huron Railway Company, The Street Railway Construction Company, Limited Sydney Transfer and Storage Limited Temiscouata Railway Company Terminal Warehouse and Cartage Company, Limited Terminal Warehouse Registered Terminal Warehouse Company, Limited, The Thousand Islands Railway Company, The Thunder Bay Colonization Railway Company Toledo and Ottawa Beach Railway Company, The Toledo Railway and Terminal Company Toledo, Saginaw and Mackinaw Railroad Company, The Toledo, Saginaw and Muskegon Railway Company Toledo, Terminal Railroad Company, The Toronto Belt Line Railway Company, The Toronto Dwellings, Limited Toronto Eastern Railway Company, The Toronto and Goderich Railway Company, The Toronto and Guelph Railway Company, The Toronto and Hamilton Railway Company, The Toronto, Niagara and Western Railway Company, The Toronto and Nipissing Eastern Extension Railway Company Toronto and Nipissing Railway Company Toronto and Ottawa Railway Company, The Toronto - Peterborough Transport Company, Limited Toronto, Simcoe and Lake Huron Railroad Union Company, The Toronto, Simcoe and Muskoka Junction Railway Company, The Toronto Suburban Railway Company, The Toronto Suburban Street Railway Company, Limited Toronto Terminals Railway Company, The Transcontinental Townsite Company, Limited United Counties Railway Company United States and Canada Railroad Company United States and Canada Railway United States Social Security Legislation Vale Coal, Iron and Manufacturing Company Vale Railway Van Buren Bridge Company Vancouver Dock Vancouver Hotel Company Limited Vancouver Terminal Railway Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway & Navigation Company Vermont and Canada Railroad Company Vermont Central Railroad Company Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company No. 1 Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company No. 2 Vermont and Province Line Railroad Company Victoria Bridge Victoria Dock Victoria Hotel Site Victoria Railway Company Wacos Holdings Limited Waskada and North Eastern Railway Company, The Waterloo Junction Railway Company Welland Railway Company, The Wellington and Georgian Bay Railway Company Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway Company West River Railroad West River Railroad Company No. 1 West River Railroad Company No. 2 Western Extension Railway Company, The Western Union Telegraph Company Western Vermont Railroad Company Weston, High Park and Toronto Street Railway Company, (Limited) Whipple Car Company Whitby and Port Perry Extension Railway Company, The Whitby, Port Perry and Lindsay Railway Company, The Winnipeg Great Northern Railway Company, The Winnipeg and Hudson Bay Railway Company Winnipeg and Hudson's Bay Railway and Steamship Company, The Winnipeg Land Company Limited, The Winnipeg and Northern Railway Company, The Winnipeg Transfer Railway Company, (Limited), The York and Carleton Railway Company

Certificate Vignette