Beautiful certificate from the Cash Boy Consolidated Mining Company issued in 1915. This historic document has an ornate border around it with a vignette of the company name. This item has the signatures of the Company's President, A. S. Ross and Secretary, E. H. Mead and is over 94 years old.
Certificate Vignette Mines Handbook - 1916 CASH BOY CONSOLIDATED MINING CO. NEVADA Tonopah, Nev. A. S. Ross, pres.; M. M. Johnson, v. p.; E. H. Mead, sec.-treas.-mgr., with H. S. Knight, L. A. Blakeslee, directors. Inc. March 21, 1914, in Nev. Cap., $2,000,000; shares $1 par, all outstanding, assessable; 5th assessment, Ic per share, called Jan. 15, 1916. Annual meeting November 21. Listed on New York Curb and San Francisco Exchange. Company is a reorganization of the Tonopah Cash Boy Cons. Mng. Co., which suspended operations in 1914 with debts of $3,476 and 76,870 shares in the treasury. Financial statement of Cash Boy for period Nov. 21, 1914, to March 21, 1916, shows receipts of $80,694, which includes: assessments, $80,000; ore shipments $620; royalties, $74. Cash on hand, $9,870. Property: several fractions, patented, 30 acres, at Tonopah, Nye Co., adjoin the Tonopah Merger on the west, Tonopah Victor on the south, and Tonopah Extension on the north. Ore: gold-silver, occurs in narrow stringers, E.-W. course and dip about 35° in rhyolite. Average assays said to be about $15 per ton. Development: 1,480' vertical shaft, with most of the recent work on the 1,350' and 1,450' levels, where drifting and crosscutting is being done, but with unsatisfactory results. Equipment: includes a 75-h. p. electric hoist and a 3-drill air compressor. Production: for 1915 amounted to 150 tons ore, said to assay $15 per ton. There are no ore reserves. Property is a prospect.
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Certificate Vignette