Beautiful unsigned certificate from the National Mazda Lamps dated May 1, 1929. This historic document has an ornate border around it with a vignette a building. This item was a novelty certificate referring to an interest in developing a lighting business...which has recognition on the Nela Exchange during the period of the Bull Market - May 1 to November 1, 1929. Little did they know that the stock market was going to crash on October 29, 1929 and begin the Depression.
Certificate Vignette There is also a letter that comes with this which indicates the certificae was supposed to provide sales incentive and bonuses and the stock is based on sales and you have a bogie to beat etc....interesting letter is signed,"Yours For A Hefty Markup"....certificate is dated 5/1/1929 and is worth 5,809 shares.

Certificate Vignette