Beautiful unissued certificate from the Westcolang Lake and Delaware River Park printed around 1887. This historic document was printed by the J. Ottmann Company and has an ornate border around it with a vignette of a dog with a Duck in its mouth.
Certificate Vignette Printed by the Outing Newsletter in 1888: A number of well-known professional men of New Jersey and Pennsylvania have organized a new sporting club to be known as the Westcolong Lake and Delaware River Park Association. The club has purchased a tract of land five miles long and two wide, containing 4,500 acres in the heart of Pike County. A club-house is to be erected and the estate kept as a game preserve and private park. Westcolong Lake, noted for its line pickerel fishing, is in the centre of the park, while black bear, wildcats, foxes, ruffed grouse and other game abound. The officers of the new association are: President, Mr. Henry E. Clough; vice-president, Dr. E. A. Maxwell: treasurer, Wm. Holbert; clerk and secretary, W. P. Holly; counsel, C. W. Cull.

Certificate Vignette