Beautifully engraved certificate from the Williams Companies, Inc. This historic document was printed by the American Banknote Company and has an ornate border around it with a vignette of the company logo and an allegorical woman between two globes. This item has the printed signatures of the Company's Chief Executive Officer and President ( Steven J. Steve Malcolm ) and itsSecretary.
Certificate Vignette Williams moves, manages and markets a variety of energy products, including natural gas, liquid hydrocarbons, petroleum and electricity. Based in Tulsa, Okla., Williams' operations span the energy value chain from wellhead to burner tip. Williams maintains a balance of assets in three primary areas: Energy Services - from wellhead to burnertip Domestic natural gas pipeline transmission - a low-cost provider Energy Marketing & Trading - with a particular emphasis on long-term transactions. Federal regulators are investigating Williams' trading practices to make sure it didn't manipulate energy prices during the 2000-01 energy crisis in California. Earlier this year, a former Williams employee told the New York Times that Williams, the nation's second-largest gas pipeline operator, tried to corner the natural gas market in California in December 2000 after jacking up gas prices. Williams has denied any wrongdoing. Confidence in the energy-trading sector is at an all-time low, thanks to the collapse of Enron Corp. and several revelations about corrupt trading practices. Williams is searching for a partner for its energy trading unit. And company officials are optimistic that its line of credit will be renewed next month.

Certificate Vignette