Beautiful certificate from the Apothecaries Gold Mining Company issued in 1896. This historic document was printed by the Denver Litho. Company and has an ornate border around it with a vignette of a Apothecary scale. This item has the original signatures of the Company’s Vice President, and Secretary, and is over 126 years old.
Rare Cripple Creek district mining stock. Issued at Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1896. Cert. #274, issued to Fred A. Pride for 1000 shares and signed by A. Jae Ward as secretary and S. Ben Smith as president.Vignette of apothecary balance with beacon sitting on top of scales. Printer was Telegraph Printing Co. Mines included the Chicago, Red Mountain, as well as several others in the Cripple Creek mining district. VF. Uncanceled.

Certificate Vignette
The Official Manual of the Cripple Creek District, Colorado, U. S. A. 1900 The Apothecaries Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 14, 1895. S. Ben Smith, president; J. D. Allaire, vice-president; Horace Gran- Directors field, secretary; Adolph Fehringer, treasurer; J. K. Miller, B. B. Grover. M. D., P. A. Primeau. Main Office—Colorado Springs, Colorado. Transfer Offices—Room No. 1, B. & M. block, Denver, Colorado; suite A and B, St. Paul building, New York City. 2,250,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. 1n treasury January 1. 1900, about 100,000 shares. Owns the Chicago, 3.562 acres, in the S. 1-2 of property section 2, on Red mountain; the Silent Friend, Hid- den Treasure, Monarch and Bonanza King, contain- ing 25.942 acres, in the S. 1-2 of section 2, on Red mountain; the Bonita, 7.771 acres, in the S. 1-2 of section 2 and N. 1-2 of section 11; the Grand ,tyiIM Republic, Frenchman and Don Pedro, contain- ing 9.305 acres, in sections 11 and 12, on the north slope of Mineral hill and on Spring creek; the Mammoth, 3.162 acres, in the X. W. 1-4 of section 12, on the north slope of Mineral hill; and the Ecce Oro, containing about 7 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 section 12 and S. W. 1-4 section 1. The total holdings of this company com- prise 58 acres. The Chicago is patented. Receiver's receipts are held for the following: Silent Friend, Hidden Treas- ure, Monarch and Mammoth. All the others are in process of patenting. The Grand Republic has a cross-cut tunnel 155 feet in length. Values assay from $12 to $30. The Chicago has a 50- foot tunnel. Assays from $10 to $22. Monarch has a shaft of 68 feet and drift of 42 feet. As- says average from $20 to $25. The Silent Friend has two shafts, one of 35 feet, one of 50 feet. Don Pedro has a 30-foot shaft; also trenches. On the Hidden Treasure is a well-tim- bered shaft, about 70 feet deep. Bonita has a shaft 50 feet deep; Frenchman a shaft of 60 feet depth. Assays range from $22 to $35. Mammoth has a 50- foot shaft, Assays from $8 to $30. On the numerous claims there are also various other prospecting shafts. Already between $15,000 and $20,000 have been expended by the company on these properties. A few small shipments have been made by the lessees. Stock not listed.
History from RM Smythe and (old stock certificate research services)