Beautifully engraved certificate from the Corn Products Refining Company issued in 1956. This historic document was printed by the Columbian Banknote Company and has an ornate border around it with a vignette of a corn-woman. This item has the printed signatures of the Company's President and Treasurer and is over 46 years old.
Certificate Vignette Corn Products International, Inc. Corn Products International, Inc., one of the world's leading corn refiners, was founded in 1906 and has operated a multinational business for more than 70 years. In 1906, the Corn Products Refining Company was incorporated through a merger of leading corn refiners and construction of the Argo, Ill., plant began. By 1919, Corn Products purchased controlling interest in the Canada Starch Company. In the 1920s, Cerelose®, Corn Products' crystalline dextrose, was patented and trademarked and Corn Products established South American operations. During the 1950s, Corn Products invented cationic starch and merged with The Best Foods, Inc., forming Corn Products Company (later renamed CPC International Inc.). In 1976, production of Invertose® high fructose corn syrup began at the Argo plant. Operations grew in the 1980s with new plants and a partnership between the Canada Starch Company and a London, Ontario, corn refiner, forming Casco Inc. Expansion continued into the 1990s, including the establishment of a Mexican joint venture. On December 31, 1997, Corn Products International, Inc., was spun off from CPC International. Since then, the company stock has traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol CPO. Since becoming an independent public company, Corn Products International has acquired majority interest in its Mexican joint venture and controlling interest in its Korea business. Corn Products International operations now comprise 42 plants in 22 countries with subsidiaries, joint ventures and alliances.

Certificate Vignette