Beautiful certificate from the Mills' Button-Hole Attachment Company issued in 1886. This historic document was printed by Breuker & Kessler on red tinted paper and has an ornate border around it with a vignette of a woman working on her trendle sewing machine. This item is hand signed by the Company's President ( Joseph Hey ) and Secretary and is over 130 years old.
Certificate Vignette The following is from a review of the company in the Manufacturer and Builder, vol. 17, issue 11 (November 1885): The Mills Button-Hole Attachment for Sewing Machines developed a newly patented machine for working button holes in all classes of goods, which is claimed to meet the needs of the times. This device could be attached to any sewing machine, in the factory or at home, and it would demand no special skill to use it and keep it in order. The device was shown at the Novelties Exhibition in Philadelphia, where it attracted much attention, and from an inspection of its operation we glean the following points in relation to it. It can be placed upon any of the ordinary sewing machines in the market without requiring any altera- tion of the machine. It is entirely automatic, and requires no skill to make a perfect button bole, since it can be worked by any one accustomed to a sewing machine. The attachment, after being placed on the machine, can readily be adjusted to vary the length of the hole, the width of the stitch, and its fineness. It will make a perfect bar at each end, which can be made as wide as required without regard to the width of the button hole; or, if required, it will make a bar at one end and a plain round finish at the other. It makes the button hole the same distance from the edge of the material regardless of the length of the hole. It is claimed that it will do work equally well on all kinds of materialsflannels, linen, cloth, etc., and that it can be worked at the rate of five button holes per minute, although the recommendation of a more moderate rate of speed is made,especially for home use. Where, as in many manufactories, a hole of special size is desired, the attachment is made to suit the require- ment, and the adjustable feature is dispensed with. The simplicity of this attachment, its automatic action; the fact that it can be attached to any ma- chine without necessitating alterations; the ease with which it may be adjusted to vary the length and width of hole and flnene~ of stitoh; the fact that any person accustomed to the use of a sewing ma- chine can readily use it, and the rapidity with which it can be operated, are notable features of merit. It appears to fully meet every important requirement which is demanded of such a device, and to be wor- thy of special commendation. The Mills Button-Hole Attachment Company, of 312 Stock Exchange Place, Philadelphia, are the manufacturers.

Certificate Vignette