Beautiful stock certificate from the Miskin Spring Wheel Company issued in 1912. This historic document has an ornate border around it with a vignette of an eagle. This item has the signatures of the Company's President, Arthur R. Miskin and Secretary.
Certificate Vignette The Western Monthly, Volume 11 - 1909 THE UNIVERSAL WHEEL Patent of Salt Lake Man that has proven a success under the harshest tests What would you think if you had the exclusive right to supply wheels for all the automobiles used in this country and Europe; for the'10,000,000 baby buggies built annually in America alone, not to mention the myriad of other wheeled vehicles, from gigs to streetcars? The possibilities of such a monopoly are almost beyond human conception, yet such a virtual monopoly is assured a company formed by Utah and Idaho people to manufacture and olace on the market the invention of a citizen of the former state, Arthur R. Miskin of Salt Lake City. Automobile dealers agree that no question exists as to the efficiency of the wheel, while its cost, they believe, will result in its utilization on practically all cars soon. Rubber has been steadily growing scarcer and dearer. When rubber was worth half its present price automobile owners figured on an expense of 10 cents a mile for tires. What tires of rubber will cost next year or the year after, no one can guess. The great variety of uses to which this wheel will be put have made its possibilities very pleasing to the men associated with Mr. Miskin. For instance, a baby's go-cart was equipped with the wheels--result, a perfect vehicle for baby; absolutely safe, perfectly comfortable and strong enough for use by a whole generation of children. This invention is known as the Miskin spring wheel. It is made of steel and its mechanism is simple, so that the wheel is enduring. It is so constructed that the wheel automatically and instantaneously adjusts itself to the surface over which it is passing. There can be no recoil or jar in the vehicle because there has been no conflict of forces to cause it. An automobile equipped with Miskin spring wheels has just been given the most thorough test. The machine was run at high speed over two-inch iron pipe, bricks and other obstacles. So far as any jar is concerned, the occupants of the automobile said that the car might have been running over newly surfaced asphalt. Mr. Miskin has received scores of voluntary testimonials to the worth of his invention. Several of the largest buggy manufacturing companies of the East are in conference with him relative to the use of the wheel. Mr. Miskin is president of the Miskin Spring Wheel company. The company was incorporated to make automotive and baby buggie wheels. History from Encyberpedia and (old stock certificate research service)

Certificate Vignette