Beautiful certificate from the Nevada New Mines Company issued in 1913. This historic document was printed by the Globe Litho. Co. and has an ornate border around it with a vignette of miner working hydraulic drill within a larger vignette of mining town. This item has been hand signed by the Company's President, E. W. King and Secretary, C. F. Loring and is over 98 years old.
Certificate Vignette Copper curb and mining outlook - 1911 A new corporation has been formed, called toe "Nevada New Mines Company," having a eapitaliia. tlon or 1,200,000" shares of a par value of $l a share, or just one-fifth the capital of the Rawhide Coalition Mines Company. This company has purchased the entire holdings of the Rawhide Coalition Mines Company from the creditors, giving In payment for same $3,000 in cash and Its notes for $54.000 for one year's time, with the privilege of the company taking them up as fast as money is paid luto the treasury, and 1,197,000 shares of the cap Ital stock of the company. This stock has all been donated back to the treasury of the company. To give each stockholder of the Rawhide Coalition and the Rawhide Queen Mines Companies a chance to regain their respective interest in the company, the directors of the Nevada New Mines Company, by resolution, make the following offer to exchange their stock for that of the other two companies. Each owner may exchange five shares of stock of the Rawhide Coalition Mines Co. for one share of stock of the Nevada New Mines Company on tfab payment of fifteen cents per share for the new stock, or, each owner may exchange two and onehalf shares of the stock of the Rawhide Queen Mines Company for one share of the stock of the Nevada New Mines Company on payment of fifteen cents per share for the new stock. In each case, one-third of the fifteen cents per share to be paid on or before July 1st. 1912, one-third on or before August 1st, 1912. nnd the remaining third on or before September 1st, 1912. Should all of the present stockholders exchange their stock on the above basis. It will leave the property free from debt, the owner of nearly 20o acres of mining ground that has produced nearly $450,000, a ten-stamp mill and cyanide plant, a good hoisting plant and supply of mining t'tols and mine equipment, and nearly $100,000 in cash in its treasury. The work of developing known ore bodies and blocking out ore ou company account will be started within the next ten days and the installing of electric power and other betterments as soon as sufficient funds have been paid into the treasury. The writer is president of the Nevada New Mines Company and will devote his entire time to the Interests of this company. M. Scheeline, president of the Schoe'ine Banking & Trust Co., of Reno, Nevada, Is the treasurer of the company and there will be at least three men elected on the board of directors who have good business and financial standing in the East and are heavy stockholders in the company. A number of the heavier stockholders, Including the writer, have agreed to exchange their stock and make their payments on the above conditions, so there is no question but that the new company will soon he ab!e to pay the notes for the purchase* price and be operating on a successful basis. Send your stock In either the Rawhide Coalition or Rawhide Queen Mines Company to the Scheeline Banking & Trust Co., Iteno. Nevada, with a remittance of five cents per share for each share of Nevada New Mines Company stock that you are entitled to under the above offer and they will issue a receipt for same, and as soon as final payment Is made under the above conditions, they will issue and mall the new stock to you. It is understood that E. W. King, president of the new company, is the holder of 700,000 shares of Rawhide Coalition, and that he will exchange his stock in that company on the basis outlined above, paying the 15c. per share for new stock taken, and will devote his entire time to the future management of the company. History from (Professional Old Stock Certificate Research Service).

Certificate Vignette