Beautifully engraved unissued certificate from the New York Zinc and Lead Company dated 18XX. This historic document was printed by Thalmessinger & Mendham and has an ornate border around it with a vignette of miners at work.
Certificate Vignette New York Zinc and Lead Company had Mines located in in Marion County, Arkansas. Their primary mine as the Bear Hill Mining Property. The Bear Hill Mine was located up George's Creek in Bear Hill Hollow about four miles due north of the George's Creek Cemetery about a mile and a quarter north of Joe Burleson Township's north line NE 1/4 SW 1/4, Section 11, Township 19 North, Range 17 West. The mine had the main shaft reaching a depth of 160 feet with very rich veins of zinc blended ore leading off at different levels. There was a large steam operated mill. It is reported that in one year it produced over 100 tons of zinc ore.

Certificate Vignette