Beautiful certificate from the Real Property Investment Corporation issued in 1930. This historic document has an ornate border around it with a vignette of an office building with horse drawn carriages, horless carriages and a trolly passing in front. This item has the signatures of the Company's President, Howard Spreckels and Secretary and is over 77 years old. The certificate was issued to Randolph Spreckels for 10,000 Shares and signed on the back by Howard Spreckels as Attorney in Fact..
Certificate Vignette 1924 News Rudolph Spreckels of San Francisco was the eleventh son of the late Claus Spreckels, Sugar King. He is President of the First National Bank of San Francisco, the First Federal Trust Co., the Real Property Investment Corp. and Vice President of the Universal Electric & Gas Co. Furthermore, he describes his chief occupation, in Who's Who, as "reformer." Both as a reformer and as a millionaire he should prove useful to Mr. LaFollette. Immediately after the selection, this Committee met. It decided that the LaFollette-Wheeler ticket would be known as "Progressive." It rejected the Bull Moose as a Party symbol. It decided to avoid entirely the use of animals. Instead, it chose the Liberty Bell as a Party symbol. It then set about organization. The men whom it chose were the best professionals in the field. A drive was set up for a campaign fund of some $3,000,000--. Henry L. Rosenfelt, formerly a director of the Jewish War Relief, was made Financial Director, with

Certificate Vignette