Beautiful certificate from the S.T.D. Motors, Limited issued in 1933. This historic document was printed by Vacher & Sons Company and has an ornate border with a vignette of the company's logo. This item has the signatures of the Company's Director's and Secretary and is over 74 years old.
Certificate Vignette STD Motors (Sunbeam-Talbot-Darracq) was formed in 1919 by the amalgamation of three established firms. Alexandre Darracq built his first car in 1896, and his cars were so successful that Alfa Romeo and Opel both started out in the car industry by building Darracqs under licence. In 1919 Darracq bought the London-based firm of Clement-Talbot to become Talbot-Darracq in order to import Talbots into England. Adding Sunbeam created "Sunbeam-Talbot-Darracq," or "STD Motors".

Certificate Vignette