Beautiful partially issued certificate from the Magnolia Gold Mining Company printed in 1899. This historic document was printed by the Gowdy-Simmons Company and has an ornate border around it with a vignette of an mountain and a mining facility at the base. This item been hand signed by the Company's President, S. R. Bartlett and Secretary, J. M. Allen.
Certificate Vignette The official manual of the Cripple Creek district, Colorado, U. S. A., The Magnolia Gold Mining Company Incorporated 1899. S. R. Bartlett, president; Warren Woods, vice-president; F. M. Directors Woods, secretarv and general manager; H. E. Woods, treasurer; J. M. Allen. Main Office--The Woods Investment Company, Giddings building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization 150,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, $10,000.00 cash. Owns the O. K., New Zealand, a portion of the Favorite and the property Mollie McGuire, containing, in all, 7.154 acres, on Bull hill, in N. E. 1-4 of section 20; also the Little Magnolia, containing 2.94 acres, on Guyot hill, in S. E. 1-4 of section 24, and the Toll Road placer, containing 5 1-4 acres, on Straub mountain, in S. E. 1-4 of section 31, near the Lawrence townsite. All patented. Shaft house and hoist on the New Zealand. Two small shaft houses on the O. K., besides several cabins and a blacksmith shop. The New Zealand has a shaft 500 feet deep and a small amount of drifting. The O. K. has a shaft 200 feet deep, one 50 feet deep, and several minor shafts. The Magnolia has a tunnel 285 feet in length. Winze in tunnel on this property. The greater part of the development work is being done on the O. K. and the New Zealand group. On March 31, 1900, stock sold at 15 1-2 cents Stock research by (old stock certificate research service).

Certificate Vignette