Beautiful stock certificate from the Trojan Mining Company issued in 1879. This historic document has an ornate border around it with the company's name in the center. This item has the original signatures of the Company's president, John Turner and secretary, David Wilder.
Certificate United States Annual Mining Review and Stock Ledger - 1879 TROJAN MINING COMPANY. GOLD HILL, STOREY COUNTY, NEVADA. Office, Room 21, 328 Montgomery Street. John Turner, president; David Wilder. secretary; Albert Lackey, superintendent; John Turner, P. Connolly, Sidney M. Smith, J. H. Jessen, John W. Rowe, tru-tees. Annual meeting, third Friday in February. No. of shares, 100,000. No. of feet, 1,500. Shares per foot, 66$. No. of issesnutnt, 8. Amount, #25,000. "Levied, Juno 4, 1873. Total assessments, $215,000. Bullion yield (to J une SO, '79), $71,209.67. Listed on San Francisco Stock and Exchange Board, Pacific Siock Exchange, and California stock Exchange Board. The Trojan is located west of the Overman, aud south of the Belcher mine. The hoisting works are ample for all purposes, conveniently arranged, and well constructed. The main hoisting works are 31x47 feet; blacksmith shop, 16x30; boiler-house, 16x30; and wood-house. From the hoisting- works a track leads to two ore houses; one, of a capacity of 300 tons, over the track of the \irginia and Trackee Railroad; the other, of a capacity of 200 tons, facing the wagon road. The machinery consists of a 40 horse-power engine (12-inch cylinders, 24-inch stroke), pump for supplying the boiler and other uses; two reels, main shafting, etc., with ample power to sink to a depth of 800 to 1,000 feet. The reels are supplied with two cables of S00 feet each, Jxi-inch, and a good gallows frame. The boiler is 16 feet in length, 54 inches diameter, containing 42 3-iuch tubes. The shaft is in two compartments, each 4x4^ feet, well timbered, with 12x12 timber, and 400 feet in depth. Work is being done from second, third, and fourth stations, drifts north and south, from 100 to 300 feet, having been run from each station, the entire length of drifts being in the vein, with frequent crosscuts. All the different levels are connected by winze3, giving a good circulation of air throughout the mine. At present (August, 1878), good ore is being taken from all three stations, aud shipped to the Vivian Mill, on the Carson river. There is a large amount of ground to prospect on the lower levels, and the vein 13 of a very promising character, and from present indications, will give a large yield of ore. Since March 1, 1878, the shaft has been sunk from the third to the fourth station, and there will be no need to sink deeper for some time to come. There are two pumps Oope 4 Maxwell), which handle the water with ease. History from Encyberpedia and (old stock certificate research service)
