Beautiful unissued certificate from the Barstow Mining & Milling Company. This historic document was printed by W. R. Jeffries Banknote Company and has an ornate border around it with a vignette of the seal of California.
Certificate Vignette PROGRESS OF THE BARSTOW MINING AND MILLING COMPANY Newspaper: Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) Date: April 4, 1906 PROGRESS OF THE BARSTOW MINING AND MILLING COMPANY A Well Klown Mining Company of Locat Reputation QUICK DEVELOPMENT; RELIABLE PROMOTERS And Positively a Real Gold Mine C. W. Rnoach, president of the Barstow Mining and Milling company, has just returned from their mines at Barstow, Cal., and reports that the waters of the Mojave river are so high that it is impossible to cross with a team, and it will not be low enough to cross for about five days yet, at which time the company will place at work on the Nettle mine two shifts of expert miners and development will be carried on as fast, as possible day nnd night. Mr. Roach also reports that all work done to date Is standing fine without timbers, and the main tunnel is in good order and will. not have to be timbered at the main incline, as was at first expected. During the trip to the mines Mr. Roach secured four more good claims which he says are fine prospects but will not be worked until the present mine is producing and paying dividends. Therefore it will not be necessary to sell any more stock than has been placed on the market, and that will be sold ln a few days. It is expected that the stock of this company will go to $1 per share In a few days and possibly withdraw from the market, as tho company does not care to sell any more stock than is necessary for real development work. It might be stated here that there Is not one ofttcer in this company that draws one cent salary, expenses or any other cash whatever, and It is also a very important thing for stockholders to know that every cent this company receives goes for real work in the Nettie mine, and every cent you invest is working for you day and night, rain or shine. The Barstow Mining and Milling company have a valuable mlllsite on the north side of the Mojave river and Just one mile from the town of Barstow on the direct line of the new Salt Lake route. They have enough wood for mill purposes for years to come and water in abundance. People who have a little money to invent had better look this, company up very carefully and at once as there is no doubt that they have a wonderful mine and great amounts of money will be made ln the near future. It Is a well known fact that Governor Waterman, whose mine is just above the Nettie, took out over $2,000,000, and his mlllslte Is on the next section to this claim. That there is as much more there there Is no reason to doubt, as the Barstow Mining and Milling company have proven that they have a wonderful mine that assays very high. Thousands of people have been to their mine and everyone is welcome. No one has ever been to the mine but what have good reports to make. The company's offices are now located at 424, 425 and 426 Chamber of Commerce building.

Certificate Vignette