Beautiful certificate signed and unissued from the Cambria County Agricultural Association printed in 1887. This historic document was printed has an ornate border around it with a vignette of blacksmith and a farmers on the sides of a shield. This item has the signature of the Company's Secretary, R. F. Maucher and is over 119 years old.
Certificate Vignette The following is from the 1905 Guide to the Cambria County Agricultural Association Exhibition. .. To the Public . . The Nineteenth Annual Premium List of the Cambria County Agricultural Association presented herewith, is one of the best ever offered to the public. The managers have made only such changes and additions from former lists as, from experience extending over. a decade, suggest themselves as being in the interest of exhibitors and for the pleasure of spectators. The Agricultural Department, which has always received our most careful consideration; has been given special attention with a view to securing from our farmers exhibitions that will even surpass those of former years. Stock raisers will find liberal premiums offered for various grades, the Association desiring in this way to encourage the farmers and others to constantly raise the standard of their horses and cattle, as well as poultry. An invitation is extended to manufacturers, mechanics, artisans, merchants and artists to place their goods on exhibition, the managers assuring them the best of attention. It is hoped and believed that the ladies, whose departments have heretofore been among the most attractive, will this year eclipse all former efforts. A most cordial welcome is extended to the public to visit our Fair as spectators. We assure you that our exhibition will repay your visit, and that you will be warmly welcome. Cambria County Agricultural Association. OFFICERS: President J. WESTRICK Vice President H. J. ECKENRODE Secretary J. V. MAUCHER Chariman R. A. KERSTEIN Treasurer G. E. HIPPS RACE COMMITTEE. A. GRIEF P. L. ECK A. FEES J. V. MAUCHER DIRECTORS. C. A. BUCK ADAM FEES B. WIRTNER W. A. RAVER D. I. KLINE P. L. ECK WM. SW ITZLER CHAS. YEACKLE C. W. MEISEL F. H. BEARER AMOS. KIRK ALEX. GRIEF Superintendents of Departments. JAMES WESTRICK, General Superintendent. Horse Depatment CHARLES YEACKLE Cattle Department W. A. BA VER Sheep and Swine WILLIAM SI+ ITZLER Poultry, F. B. WIRTNER Farm Implements P. L. ECK Vegetables F H. BEARER Fruit W. M. SWITZLER Exhibition Hall D. I. KLINE, F H. BEARER, AMOS KIRK Board of Appeals BOARD OF DIRECTORS Regulations for Trotting. All premiums for trotting will be mile heats, best three in five, in harness, unless otherwise specified, and will be conducted under the rules and regulations of the National Trotting Association, of which we are a member. In heats, when six or more horses start, the distance will be one hundred and fifty yards. Heats in each day's races may be trotted alternately. Trotting will commence each day at 1 o'clock p. m., and proceed according to program. All horses in the races called must come out promptly. A horse distancing the field or any part thereof will be entitled to but one premium. If, owing to bad weather, or other unavoid- able causes, this Association shall be unable to start one or more of its races on or before 4 o'clock p. in., of the last day of the Fair, as advertised, such race or races shall thereby be considered and declared oil, and the entrance mosey refunded. In all races five to fill and three to start Rule 9, Section 2, and Rule 28 waived in all races. Entries. When making entries please observe the following directions, and thus save all parties interested from delay and unnecessrry injury. 1. Name class in which animal is entered. Also if for specials. 2. State color, sex and name of animal. 3. Give the name of sire or dam; if the same are not known, the fact must be stated when the entry is made. 4. If the animal has trotted under another name within two years, the former name must also be given. 5. Entries made by telegraph must be repeated by mail. 6. Name and residence of owner, as welt as the party making an entry, must always be given with the nomination. 7. Owners or drivers not giving colors when entries are made wi:1 accept those designated by the Association. 8. Entrance 5 per cent with 5 per cent additional from money winners. Purses divided 50, 25, 15 and 10 per cent. Grand Cavalcade. All exhibitors of horses will be required to show their entire stock in the Cavalcade on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 10 a. m., and, failing to do so, will forfeit any premium that may be awarded to them. Exhibitors. While it is the intention and desire to pay all premiums in full as advertised in the Premium List. yet should any contingency arise by reason of unfavorable weather, etc., whereby the receipts of the Fair are insufficient to meet the current expenses of the year and pay all premiums in full, then in that event the Board of Managers reserve the right to pay pro rata upon the gross receipts, after deducting the expenses and the amount so paid shall discharge the obligations of the organization of the current year. 1. No person shall be allowed to act as judge of any class wherein he or she may be an exhibitor. 2. If it be ascertained that an exhibitor has made or caused to be made, any false statement in regard to any article exhibited, or if any exhibitor shall attempt to interfere with the judges in the performance of their duties by letter or otherwise, he or she shall be excluded from the competition. 3. The same article or animal will not be permitted to compete in more than one class, except in speed or herds. 4. Nothing on exhibition shall be removed from the grounds until 4 o'clock p. m., on the last day of the Fair, and any attempt to do so will forfeit the premiums awarded. 5. Hay and straw will be furnished free to bona fide exhibitors and grain at reasonable rates for all animals put on exhibition. 6. The managers reserve the right to withhold any premiums given by the judges under false representations, and not in accordance with the rules and regulations. 7. Premiums will be paid on and after September 12, 1905, upon a written order from the Secretary, endorsed by the President to the Treasurer. 8. Any premium not called for by the 1st of December, 1905, will be forfeited to the Association. 9. No competitor will be allowed to be present during the examination by the judges, unless at their request for the purpose of giving information, and any attempt to influence their decision will debar the offender from receiving an award, though otherwise entitled to it. 10. All horses and cattle having taken first premium two years successively shall not be eligible to premium, but shall be awarded a diploma only. Awarding Committee. 1. Copies of this Premium List, Rules and Regulations will be furnished by the Society to those who may desire them, upon application to the Secretary. 2. Members of the Awarding Committee will report themselves to the Superintendents of the respective departments before 9 o'clock a. m., on Thursday, September 7, 1905, it being the day fixed for the awarding of premiums, when all vacancies will be filled, appointments made, etc., by the Executive Committee, in conjunction with one member of the Awarding Committee. 3. No animal, article or object deemed unworthy shall be awarded a premium, but no premium shall be withheld merely because there is no competition. 4. Any exhibitor who shall tear off a premium card, or authorize any person to do so, shall forfeit the premium and be excluded from competition. 5. The books must be returned by the Superintendent of each department to the General Superintendent as soon as the awards in each are completed. 6. No discretionary premiums shall be awarded, but articles and animals which are not included in the regular list may be commended, and the commendation together with the reason thereof, entered on the Committee's books for action at some regular meeting of the officers of the Association. General Rules. 1. Stalls for horses cn exhibition will be furnished free. Tickets for stalls can be had from Superintendent of Horse and Cattle Department on the ground and must be secured before possession will be given. 2. The gates will be open at 7 a. m., of each clay and at that time every officer is required to be at his post. 3. No article or animal shall be entitled to more than one premium, except as provided for by the Premium List. 4. Any ticket passed through the fence, or found in the possession of anyone who is not the rightful owner, will be given to the Secretary, and persons detected in passing tickets will be promptly dealt with according to law. 5. Any exhibitor attempting to influence the judges in their decisions will forfeit all claim to the premium. 6. The managers reserve the right to withhold any premium given by the judges under false representation, or not in accordance with the rules and regulations. 7. The sale of privileges for the refreshment stands, supply wagons, etc, will be under the control of the treasurer to whom all communications for information relative thereto shall be addressed. One ticket furnished to each purchaser or helper of privilege for which the sum of One Dollar will be charged. Ticket good for two admissions each day. 8. All appeals must be made before 5 o'clock n. m., September 8. 1905. 9. All premiums which are not protested before 5 o'clock p. m., on the closing day of the Fair will be paid after September 15 at the office of the Secretary and in the order in which the judges' books of the different classes are returned to the Secretary. 10. Exhibitors of thoroughbred stock will be required to deposit with the Secretary an authentic copy of the certificate of registry of each animal or such reference to the stud book or herd book as will enable the judges to pass upon the authenticity of the same. 11. No article can compete in more than one class, nor but once in the same class, except as provided for by the Premium List. 12. There will be a parade of horses on exhibition at 10 o'clock a. m., of each day, at which lime all horses, as may be required by the Superintendent shall appear at the call of the Superintendent, under halter and in charge of a groom. Exhibitors must give attention to their horses and be ready to exhibit them at such times and in such manner as the Superintendent in charge shall direct in accordance with the daily official program. This rule will be strictly enforced, and any failure or neglect, without excuse obtained from the General Superintendent, will work a forfeiture of all premiums. 13. All horses and cattle brought upon the grounds are required to be tied, and when exhibited in the ring or on parade, to be under halter and in the care of a groom. 14. No persons, except members of the Board who are not competitors, will be allowed to see the entries or have access to the entry books until the awards are made. 15. All entries will be made in strict compliance with the offered Premium List and awards made in accordance. Parties should be particular to have stock or articles entered just as they want them. 16. If there is any question as to the regu- larity of the entry, or right of any animal or article to compete in any given class, the judges shall report the same to the Superintendent of the Department for adjustment. 17. The judges on animals will have regard to the purity of breeding and:the general characteristics of the respective breeds to which they belong: they will make due allowance for the defects of age, feeding and early maturity. Entries. 1. All entries in any class, 10 per cent of the purse; except those hereinafter mentioned. 2. For Class 14 there will be an entrance fee of 25 cents charged. 3. For Classes 20 to 31, inclusive, there will be no entrance fee charged. 4. The Secretary of the Association will be ready to receive entries for three weeks previous to the Fair, and would request all who can to make application before the Fair. 5. Everything offered for competition must be classified. 6. Exhibitors having any protests to enter must do so before 5 p m., of the last day of the exhibition to the Secretary, who will hand .,them to the Directors except in classes of speed, which will be governed by the National Rules. 7. Complaints of any aggrieved party shall be made in writing to the Directors, whose decision, after hearing the parties and the evidence, shall be final and conclusive. 8. Articles that are the result of mechanical, or artistic skill, must be entered by the artist, manufacturer, contriver or agent. 9. Articles that are the product of the soil must be entered in the name of the producer of the same. 10. Every animal must be entered for competition in the name of the owner or his agent. 11. On the entry of each animal or article, a card will be furnished the exhibitor, specifying class and number of entry, which card must be attached to such animal or article during the exhibition, except on speed. 12. Every person attending the exhibitionshall pay admission except stockholders, who are otherwise provided for. 13. Exhibitors will-at all times give the necessary personal attention to whatever they have on exhibition, and at the close of the Fair take entire charge of the same. 14. Diligence will be used by the officers of the Association to prevent injury or loss of animals or articles on exhibition, but they will not be responsible for any damage or loss that may occur. 15. No gambling of any kind will be permitted on the grounds and officers will be instructed not to allow it in the vicinity. 16. Everything offered for competition must be on the grounds of the Association--unavoidable accidents accepted--before 9 o'clock a. m., of the second day of the exhibition. All entries to close at 5 p. m., of the first day of the exhibition, except entries for speed. 17. Any person making entries in Classes 1 to 13, inclusive, to amount of 75c or over shall he entitled to free admission to the grounds. Superintendents' Department. 1. Each superintendent will have the supervision and arrangement of all articles or animals on exhibition in his department and be responsible for the management of the same. 2. He will afford the awarding committee every facility for examination; will affix the awards under the direction of the committee, and when the awarding committee is not on duty, will take charge of the books, and when the awards are finished, return the books to the Secretary. 3 Each superintendent is expected to exercise great care in preserving and returning the awarding committee's books, as upon the entry of awards in them, and upon no other authority, can orders for premiums be drawn. Police. 1. The General Superintendent will have charge of the grounds. under the direction of the officers, and it shall be his duty to preserve order throughout. 2. The General Superintendent will have command of all tht,, police force on the grounds. 3. Policemen will be sworn in as conservators of the peace, acting under orders of the General Superintendent, and it shall be their duty to arrest anyone creating disorder or violating any rules of the Fair. 4. No persons renting refreshment booths will be permitted to sell intoxicating drinks of any kind within the Association's jurisdiction. 5. Carriages within the grounds will not be permitted to move at a rate faster than a walk. No animal will be permitted to run at large on the grounds. 6. No person will be permitted to remain on the grounds over night, except in cases of necessity. Instructions to Judges. Judges of different departments will report to the superintendents of the same before 12 Al of the the second day of the Fair for instructions. All cattle will be judged on Thursday beginning at 1 p. Sheep and Swine will be judged in the pens on Thursday, beginning at 10 a. in. Horses will be judged in the horse ring, near Grand Stand on Friday at 10 a. m. Poultry will be judged on Thursday, beginning at 10 a. m. The classes above Trill be called in the order named in the Premium Book. Admission to the Grounds. All persons can obtain tickets of admission to the grounds at the Treasurer's office near the entrance gate, the rate of admission being as follows: Single Admission for Adults 25c Single Admission for Children under 12 or over 6 150 Children's Day, Wednesday, Admission free Admission for Team, single or double 25c All stockholder's tickets can be secured from the Secretary on presentation of certificate; duplicates will be furnished by the Secretary on payment of 50c, providing satisfactory evidence of the loss of the original is shown. In presenting the enclosed Premium List, the Board wishes to call attention to the fact that it has undergone a thorough revision and correction. and invite a careful perusal, feeling that in variety and extent it is not surpassed by that of any other Association. Stalls for animals on exhibition will be furnished free. Exhibitors wishing the same must apply to the Superintendent who will assign them. No money will be taken at the gates. Tickets must be purchased at the office before coming to the gate. Special Notice. All persons are notified that the Fair Grounds are private property, and-any individual detected committing depredations, or is known to have damaged locks, broken open buildings, removed boards from the enclosures, or in any other way to have trespassed upon or injured the property of the Association will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Certificate Vignette