Beautiful engraved Stock certificate from the Howard Johnson Company. This item is from the 1960's-1970s and has an ornate orange border with a vignette of a allegorical woman. This item has the printed signature of the President, Howard Johnson.
Certificate Vignette Common $1 par and Class B Common $1 par split (2) for (1) by issuance of (1) additional share respectively 5/19/66 Class B Common $1 par reclassified as Common $1 par in 1967 Common $1 par split (2) for (1) by issu ance of (1) additional share 5/19/69 Common $1 par split (2) for (1) by issu ance of (1) additional share 8/7/72 Acquired by Imperial Group Ltd. 6/17/80 Each share Common $1 par exchanged for $28 cash

Certificate Vignette