Beautiful membership certificate from the Peter Pan Woodland Club. This historic document has an ornate border around it with the company's name on top center. This item has been hand signed signatures by the club's President, and Secretary.
Certificate Vignette In 1925 Harry Kiener, the creator of The Peter Pan Woodland Club formed a corporation to develop mountain property in the east valley area of Big Bear City (just east of the present day airport). In 1930, Guy Maltby, owner of the Bear Valley Milling And Lumber Company designed and built the huge four-storey clubhouse surrounded by a a golf course, beautiful landscaping, tennis courts, swimming pool, and gymnasium. The symbol of the club was a beautiful statue of Peter Pan sitting on a huge mushroom in the garden. The Peter Pan Woodland Clubhouse was a showplace and host to many gala parties, and was the center of social life in Big Bear City . Several movies used the clubhouse for a backdrop and the club was a favorite with movie companies on location in the valley. The clubhouse was destroyed by fire in 1948.

Certificate Vignette