Beautifully engraved certificate from the Shea Copper Company issued in 1920. This historic document has an ornate border around it with a vignette of men working underground. This item has the signature of the Company's President, Dan J. Shea and its Secretary O.Y. Eugelder and is over 91 years old.
Certificate Vignette SHEA COPPER CO. ARIZONA Officers: D. J. Shea, pres. and mgr., Jerome, Ariz.; J. P. Connelly, sec-treas., with Nathan Schultz, directors; James Rice, supt. Inc. 1916 in Ariz. Cap., $750,000; shares 50c par. Property: 4 patented claims, south of Copper Chief group, carrying 8 or 9 outcrops with gold-silver-copper values. Development: by shallow shafts, tunnels, etc., all in ledge matter. In Oct., 1917, the main incline was down 285'. The vein is 50' wide, with schist hanging and diorite foot walls. A selected sample of the rock ran $4.60 gold, 14.40 oz. silver, 0.7% copper, 1% lead, and 2% zinc. At 300' depth the ledge will be explored. History from the Mines Register of 1918.

Certificate Vignette