Consignor affidavit certificate signed by James J. Roosevelt for Inventory of Merchandise received form London to New York. This historic document has the original signatures of the James Roosevelt, and is over 210 years old. The only James J. Roosevelt we could find was the Great Grand Father of Theodore Roosevelt who was born in 1759 and died in 1840. We are not positive this is the same James Roosevelt.
Second Page Jacobus J. Roosevelt (circa October 25, 1759 - died August, 1840) was also known as James J. Roosevelt. He married Maria Van Schaick (1773 - February 3, 1845), daughter of Cornelius Van Schaick and Angeletje Yates, on March 8, 1793, at Kinderhook, Columbia County, New York. They were the parents of Cornelius Van Schaick Roosevelt, born on January 20, 1794.

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